Ryzen e Threadripper(17° and 19°)

Supporto di macOS inizialemacOS 10.13, High Sierra

Punto d'Inizio

Fare un config.plist potrebbe sembrare difficile, ma non lo è. Ci metterai solo un po' di tempo ma questa guida ti dice come configurare il tutto, non rimarrai a bocca asciutta. Questo significa anche che se hai problemi, rivedi come hai impostato il config per essere sicuro che siano corrette. Le cose principali da definire con OpenCore:

  • Tutte le proprietà devono essere definite, non c'è un fallback di default, perciò non cancellare sezioni a meno che non ti sia esplicitamente richiesto. Se la guida non parla di quella sezione, lascia come il predefinito.
  • Il Sample.plist non può essere usato così com'è, devi configurarlo per il tuo sistema
  • NON USARE CONFIGURATORI, questi raramente rispettano la configurazione di OpenCore e alcuni di quelli come Mackie aggiungeranno proprietà di Clover o potrebbero corrompere il plist!

Ora che hai letto questo, un piccolo reminder degli strumenti necessari


E leggi questa guida una volta prima di impostare OpenCore e sii sicuro di aver impostato tutto correttamente. Nota che le immagini non potranno essere sempre aggiornatissime, perciò leggi le didascalie sotto, se nulla viene menzionato, lascia com'è di default.





Qui aggiungerai i tuoi SSDT al sistema, sono molto importanti per avviare macOS e hanno molti usi come USB maps (EN), disabilitare GPU non supportate e altro. E con il nostro sistema, è soprattutto richiesto per l'avvio. Guide per farli può essere trovata qui: Iniziamo con ACPI

Nota che non dovresti aggiungere DSDT.aml qui, è aggiunto già dal tuo firmware. Perciò se presente, toglilo dal tuo config.plist e da EFI/OC/ACPI.

Gli SSDT hanno l'estensione .aml (Assembled) e andranno dentro la cartella EFI/OC/ACPI e devono essere specificati nel config anche nella sezione ACPI -> Add.

SSDT RichiestiDescrizione
SSDT-EC-USBXSistema il controller integrato e l'energia dei USB
SSDT-CPURSistema le definizioni della CPU nelle schede madri B550 e A520, non usarli se hai un sistema AMD B550 o A520.


Questa sezione previene il caricamento di certe tabelle ACPI, per noi è ignorabile.


Questa sezione ci permette di modificare dinamicamente le parti di ACPI (DSDT, SSDT, ecc.) tramite OpenCore. Per noi, le nostre patch sono legate agli SSDT. Questa è una soluzione più pulita perché ci permetterà di avviare Windows e altri sistemi con OpenCore


Impostazioni relative a ACPI, lascia tutto come default dato che non useremo questi quirk.



This section is dedicated to quirks relating to boot.efi patching with OpenRuntime, the replacement for AptioMemoryFix.efi


This section is allowing spaces to be passthrough to macOS that are generally ignored, useful when paired with DevirtualiseMmio



Settings relating to boot.efi patching and firmware fixes, for us, we need to change the following:

DevirtualiseMmioNOIf you have a TRx40 system, enable this and follow the instructions here: https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Install-Guide/extras/kaslr-fix.htmlopen in new windowEnableWriteUnprotectorNO
ResizeAppleGpuBars-1If your firmware supports increasing GPU Bar sizes (ie Resizable BAR Support), set this to 0
SetupVirtualMapYES- Note X570, B550, A520 and TRx40 boards might need this disabled
- X470 and B450 with late 2020 BIOS updates might also require this disabled
More in-depth Info
  • AvoidRuntimeDefrag: YES
    • Fixes UEFI runtime services like date, time, NVRAM, power control, etc
  • EnableSafeModeSlide: YES
    • Enables slide variables to be used in safe mode.
  • EnableWriteUnprotector: NO
    • This quirk and RebuildAppleMemoryMap can commonly conflict, recommended to enable the latter on newer platforms and disable this entry.
    • However, due to issues with OEMs not using the latest EDKII builds you may find that the above combo will result in early boot failures. This is due to missing the MEMORY_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE and such we recommend disabling RebuildAppleMemoryMap and enabling EnableWriteUnprotector. More info on this is covered in the troubleshooting section
  • ProvideCustomSlide: YES
    • Used for Slide variable calculation. However the necessity of this quirk is determined by OCABC: Only N/256 slide values are usable! message in the debug log. If the message OCABC: All slides are usable! You can disable ProvideCustomSlide! is present in your log, you can disable ProvideCustomSlide.
  • RebuildAppleMemoryMap: YES
    • Generates Memory Map compatible with macOS, can break on some laptop OEM firmwares so if you receive early boot failures disable this
  • ResizeAppleGpuBars: -1
    • Will reduce the size of GPU PCI Bars if set to 0 when booting macOS, set to -1 to disable * Setting other PCI Bar values is possible with this quirk, though can cause instabilities
    • This quirk being set to zero is only necessary if Resizable GPU Support is enabled in your firmware.
  • SetupVirtualMap: YES
    • Fixes SetVirtualAddresses calls to virtual addresses
    • B550, A520 and TRx40 boards should disable this quirk
  • SyncRuntimePermissions: YES
    • Fixes alignment with MAT tables and required to boot Windows and Linux with MAT tables, also recommended for macOS. Mainly relevant for RebuildAppleMemoryMap users




Sets device properties from a map.

By default, the Sample.plist has this section set for Audio. We'll be setting Audio the layout in the Argomenti di avvio section, for us we can ignore this


Removes device properties from the map, for us we can ignore this


KernelKernel Patches


Here's where we specify which kexts to load, in what specific order to load, and what architectures each kext is meant for. By default we recommend leaving what ProperTree has done, however for 32-bit CPUs please see below:

More in-depth Info

The main thing you need to keep in mind is:

  • Load order
    • Remember that any plugins should load after its dependencies
    • This means kexts like Lilu must come before VirtualSMC, AppleALC, WhateverGreen, etc

A reminder that ProperTreeopen in new window users can run Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + R to add all their kexts in the correct order without manually typing each kext out.

  • Arch
    • Architectures supported by this kext
    • Currently supported values are Any, i386 (32-bit), and x86_64 (64-bit)
  • BundlePath
    • Name of the kext
    • ex: Lilu.kext
  • Enabled
    • Self-explanatory, either enables or disables the kext
  • ExecutablePath
    • Path to the actual executable is hidden within the kext, you can see what path your kext has by right-clicking and selecting Show Package Contents. Generally, they'll be Contents/MacOS/Kext but some have kexts hidden within under Plugin folder. Do note that plist only kexts do not need this filled in.
    • ex: Contents/MacOS/Lilu
  • MinKernel
    • Lowest kernel version your kext will be injected into, see below table for possible values
    • ex. 12.00.00 for OS X 10.8
  • MaxKernel
    • Highest kernel version your kext will be injected into, see below table for possible values
    • ex. 11.99.99 for OS X 10.7
  • PlistPath
    • Path to the info.plist hidden within the kext
    • ex: Contents/Info.plist
Kernel Support Table
OS X VersionMinKernelMaxKernel



Needed for spoofing unsupported CPUs like Pentiums and Celerons and to disable CPU power management on unsupported CPUs (such as AMD CPUs)

More in-depth Info
  • CpuidMask: Leave this blank
    • Mask for fake CPUID
  • CpuidData: Leave this blank
    • Fake CPUID entry
  • DummyPowerManagement: YES
    • New alternative to NullCPUPowerManagement, required for all AMD CPU based systems as there's no native power management.
  • MinKernel: Leave this blank
    • Lowest kernel version the above patches will be injected into, if no value specified it'll be applied to all versions of macOS. See below table for possible values
    • ex. 12.00.00 for OS X 10.8
  • MaxKernel: Leave this blank
    • Highest kernel version the above patches will be injected into, if no value specified it'll be applied to all versions of macOS. See below table for possible values
    • ex. 11.99.99 for OS X 10.7
Kernel Support Table
OS X VersionMinKernelMaxKernel


Used for loading kexts off system volume, only relevant for older operating systems where certain kexts are not present in the cache(ie. IONetworkingFamily in 10.6).

For us, we can ignore.


Blocks certain kexts from loading. Not relevant for us.


This is where the AMD kernel patching magic happens. Please do note that if coming from Clover, KernelToPatch and MatchOS from Clover becomes Kernel and MinKernel/ MaxKernel in OpenCore. The latest AMD kernel patches can always be found on the AMD Vanilla GitHub Repositoryopen in new window.

Kernel patches:

To merge:

  • Open both files,
  • Delete the Kernel -> Patch section from config.plist
  • Copy the Kernel -> Patch section from patches.plist
  • Paste into where old patches were in config.plist

You will also need to modify three patches, all named algrey - Force cpuid_cores_per_package. You only need to change the Replace value. You should change:

  • B8000000 0000 => B8 <core count> 0000 0000
  • BA000000 0000 => BA <core count> 0000 0000
  • BA000000 0090 => BA <core count> 0000 0090

Where <core count> is replaced with the physical core count of your CPU in hexadecimal. For example, an 8-Core 5800X would have the new Replace value be:

  • B8 08 0000 0000
  • BA 08 0000 0000
  • BA 08 0000 0090
Core Count => Hexadecimal Table
Core CountHexadecimal
2 Core02
4 Core04
6 Core06
8 Core08
12 Core0C
16 Core10
24 Core18
32 Core20



Settings relating to the kernel, for us we'll be enabling the following:

XhciPortLimitYESDisable if running macOS 11.3+
More in-depth Info
  • AppleCpuPmCfgLock: NO
    • Only needed when CFG-Lock can't be disabled in BIOS. AMD users can ignore
  • AppleXcpmCfgLock: NO
    • Only needed when CFG-Lock can't be disabled in BIOS. AMD users can ignore
  • AppleXcpmExtraMsrs: NO
    • Disables multiple MSR access needed for unsupported CPUs like Pentiums and certain Xeons
  • CustomSMBIOSGuid: NO
    • Performs GUID patching for UpdateSMBIOSMode set to Custom. Usually relevant for Dell laptops
    • Enabling this quirk in tandem with PlatformInfo -> UpdateSMBIOSMode -> Custom will disable SMBIOS injection into "non-Apple" OSes however we do not endorse this method as it breaks Bootcamp compatibility. Use at your own risk.
  • DisableIoMapper: NO
    • AMD doesn't have DMAR or VT-D support so irrelevant
  • DisableLinkeditJettison: YES
    • Allows Lilu and others to have more reliable performance without keepsyms=1
  • DisableRtcChecksum: NO
    • Prevents AppleRTC from writing to primary checksum (0x58-0x59), required for users who either receive BIOS reset or are sent into Safe mode after reboot/shutdown
  • ExtendBTFeatureFlags NO
    • Helpful for those having continuity issues with non-Apple/non-Fenvi cards
  • LapicKernelPanic: NO
    • Disables kernel panic on AP core lapic interrupt, generally needed for HP systems. Clover equivalent is Kernel LAPIC
  • LegacyCommpage: NO
    • Resolves SSSE3 requirement for 64 Bit CPUs in macOS, mainly relevant for 64-Bit Pentium 4 CPUs(ie. Prescott)
  • PanicNoKextDump: YES
    • Allows for reading kernel panics logs when kernel panics occur
  • PowerTimeoutKernelPanic: YES
    • Helps fix kernel panics relating to power changes with Apple drivers in macOS Catalina, most notably with digital audio.
  • ProvideCurrentCpuInfo: YES
    • Provides the kernel with CPU frequency values for AMD.
  • SetApfsTrimTimeout: -1
    • Sets trim timeout in microseconds for APFS filesystems on SSDs, only applicable for macOS 10.14 and newer with problematic SSDs.
  • XhciPortLimit: YES
    • This is actually the 15 port limit patch, don't rely on it as it's not a guaranteed solution for fixing USB. Please create a USB map when possible.


Settings related to legacy booting(ie. 10.4-10.6), for majority you can skip however for those planning to boot legacy OSes you can see below:

More in-depth Info
  • FuzzyMatch: True

    • Used for ignoring checksums with kernelcache, instead opting for the latest cache available. Can help improve boot performance on many machines in 10.6
  • KernelArch: x86_64

    • Set the kernel's arch type, you can choose between Auto, i386 (32-bit), and x86_64 (64-bit).
    • If you're booting older OSes which require a 32-bit kernel(ie. 10.4 and 10.5) we recommend to set this to Auto and let macOS decide based on your SMBIOS. See below table for supported values:
      • 10.4-10.5 — x86_64, i386 or i386-user32
        • i386-user32 refers 32-bit userspace, so 32-bit CPUs must use this(or CPUs missing SSSE3)
        • x86_64 will still have a 32-bit kernelspace however will ensure 64-bit userspace in 10.4/5
      • 10.6 — i386, i386-user32, or x86_64
      • 10.7 — i386 or x86_64
      • 10.8 or newer — x86_64
  • KernelCache: Auto

    • Set kernel cache type, mainly useful for debugging and so we recommend Auto for best support





HideAuxiliaryYESPress space to show macOS recovery and other auxiliary entries
More in-depth Info
  • HideAuxiliary: YES
    • This option will hide supplementary entries, such as macOS recovery and tools, in the picker. Hiding auxiliary entries may increase boot performance on multi-disk systems. You can press space at the picker to show these entries



Helpful for debugging OpenCore boot issues:

More in-depth Info
  • AppleDebug: YES
    • Enables boot.efi logging, useful for debugging. Note this is only supported on 10.15.4 and newer
  • ApplePanic: YES
    • Attempts to log kernel panics to disk
  • DisableWatchDog: YES
    • Disables the UEFI watchdog, can help with early boot issues
  • DisplayLevel: 2147483650
    • Shows even more debug information, requires debug version of OpenCore
  • SysReport: NO
    • Helpful for debugging such as dumping ACPI tables
    • Note that this is limited to DEBUG versions of OpenCore
  • Target: 67
    • Shows more debug information, requires debug version of OpenCore

These values are based of those calculated in OpenCore debugging



Security is pretty self-explanatory, do not skip. We'll be changing the following:

SecureBootModelDefaultLeave this as Default for OpenCore to automatically set the correct value corresponding to your SMBIOS. The next page goes into more detail about this setting.
VaultOptionalThis is a word, it is not optional to omit this setting. You will regret it if you don't set it to Optional, note that it is case-sensitive
More in-depth Info
  • AllowSetDefault: YES

    • Allow CTRL+Enter and CTRL+Index to set default boot device in the picker
  • ApECID: 0

    • Used for netting personalized secure-boot identifiers, currently this quirk is unreliable due to a bug in the macOS installer so we highly encourage you to leave this as default.
  • AuthRestart: NO

    • Enables Authenticated restart for FileVault 2 so password is not required on reboot. Can be considered a security risk so optional
  • BlacklistAppleUpdate: YES

    • Used for blocking firmware updates, used as extra level of protection as macOS Big Sur no longer uses run-efi-updater variable
  • DmgLoading: Signed

    • Ensures only signed DMGs load
  • ExposeSensitiveData: 6

    • Shows more debug information, requires debug version of OpenCore
  • Vault: Optional

    • We won't be dealing vaulting so we can ignore, you won't boot with this set to Secure
    • This is a word, it is not optional to omit this setting. You will regret it if you don't set it to Optional, note that it is case-sensitive
  • ScanPolicy: 0

    • 0 allows you to see all drives available, please refer to Security section for further details. Will not boot USB devices with this set to default
  • SecureBootModel: Default


Used for serial debugging (Leave everything as default).


Usato per il debugging da porta seriale (Lasciare tutto come in default).


Used for running OC debugging tools like the shell, ProperTree's snapshot function will add these for you.


Used for specifying irregular boot paths that can't be found naturally with OpenCore.

Won't be covered here, see 8.6 of Configuration.pdfopen in new window for more info





Used for OpenCore's UI scaling, default will work for us. See in-depth section for more info

More in-depth Info

Booter Path, mainly used for UI modification

  • DefaultBackgroundColor: Background color used by boot.efi
    • 00000000: Syrah Black
    • BFBFBF00: Light Gray


OpenCore's NVRAM GUID, mainly relevant for RTCMemoryFixup users

More in-depth Info
  • rtc-blacklist: <>
    • To be used in conjunction with RTCMemoryFixup, see here for more info: Fixing RTC write issues
    • Most users can ignore this section


System Integrity Protection bitmask

  • General Purpose Argomenti di avvio:
Argomenti di avvioDescription
-vThis enables verbose mode, which shows all the behind-the-scenes text that scrolls by as you're booting instead of the Apple logo and progress bar. It's invaluable to any Hackintosher, as it gives you an inside look at the boot process, and can help you identify issues, problem kexts, etc.
debug=0x100This disables macOS's watchdog which helps prevents a reboot on a kernel panic. That way you can hopefully glean some useful info and follow the breadcrumbs to get past the issues.
keepsyms=1This is a companion setting to debug=0x100 that tells the OS to also print the symbols on a kernel panic. That can give some more helpful insight as to what's causing the panic itself.
npci=0x3000This disables some PCI debugging related to kIOPCIConfiguratorPFM64 and gIOPCITunnelledKey. This is an alternative to having Above 4G Decoding enabled in your BIOS. Do not use this unless you don't have it in your BIOS. Required for when getting stuck on [PCI configuration begin] as there are IRQ conflicts relating to your PCI lanes. Sourceopen in new window
alcid=1Used for setting layout-id for AppleALC, see supported codecsopen in new window to figure out which layout to use for your specific system. More info on this is covered in the Post-Install Page
  • GPU-Specific Argomenti di avvio:
Argomenti di avvioDescription
agdpmod=pikeraUsed for disabling board ID checks on some Navi GPUs (RX 5000 & 6000 series), without this you'll get a black screen. Don't use if you don't have Navi (ie. Polaris and Vega cards shouldn't use this)
-radcodecUsed for allowing officially unsupported AMD GPUs (spoofed) to use the Hardware Video Encoder
radpg=15Used for disabling some power-gating modes, helpful for properly initializing AMD Cape Verde based GPUs
unfairgva=1Used for fixing hardware DRM support on supported AMD GPUs
nvda_drv_vrl=1Used for enabling NVIDIA's Web Drivers on Maxwell and Pascal cards in macOS Sierra and High Sierra
  • csr-active-config: 00000000

    • Settings for 'System Integrity Protection' (SIP).
    • csr-active-config by default is set to 00000000 which enables System Integrity Protection. You can choose a number of different values but overall we recommend keeping this enabled for best security practices. More info can be found in our troubleshooting page: Disabilitare SIP
  • run-efi-updater: No

    • This is used to prevent Apple's firmware update packages from installing and breaking boot order; this is important as these firmware updates (meant for Macs) will not work.
  • prev-lang:kbd: <>

    • Needed for non-latin keyboards in the format of lang-COUNTRY:keyboard, recommended to keep blank though you can specify it(Default in Sample config is Russian):
    • American: en-US:0(656e2d55533a30 in HEX)
    • Full list can be found in AppleKeyboardLayouts.txtopen in new window
    • Hint: prev-lang:kbd can be changed into a String so you can input en-US:0 directly instead of converting to HEX
    • Hint 2: prev-lang:kbd can be set to a blank variable (eg. <>) which will force the Language Picker to appear instead at first boot up.



Forcibly rewrites NVRAM variables, do note that Add will not overwrite values already present in NVRAM so values like Argomenti di avvio should be left alone. For us, we'll be changing the following:

More in-depth Info
  • LegacySchema

    • Used for assigning NVRAM variables, used with OpenVariableRuntimeDxe.efi. Only needed for systems without native NVRAM
  • WriteFlash: YES

    • Enables writing to flash memory for all added variables.




For setting up the SMBIOS info, we'll use CorpNewt's GenSMBIOSopen in new window application.

For this example, we'll choose the MacPro7,1 SMBIOS but some SMBIOS play with certain GPUs better than others:

  • MacPro7,1: AMD Polaris and newer
    • Note that MacPro7,1 is exclusive to macOS 10.15, Catalina and newer
  • iMacPro1,1: NVIDIA Maxwell and Pascal or AMD Polaris and newer
    • Use if you need High Sierra or Mojave, otherwise use MacPro7,1
  • iMac14,2: NVIDIA Maxwell and Pascal
    • Use if you get black screens on iMacPro1,1 after installing Web Drivers with an NVIDIA GPU
  • MacPro6,1: AMD GCN GPUs (supported HD and R5/R7/R9 series)

Run GenSMBIOS, pick option 1 for downloading MacSerial and Option 3 for selecting out SMBIOS. This will give us an output similar to the following:

 #               MacPro7,1 SMBIOS Info                 #

Type:         MacPro7,1
Serial:       F5KZV0JVP7QM
Board Serial: F5K9518024NK3F7JC
SmUUID:       535B897C-55F7-4D65-A8F4-40F4B96ED394
Apple ROM:    001D4F0D5E22

The order is Product | Serial | Board Serial (MLB)

The Type part gets copied to Generic -> SystemProductName.

The Serial part gets copied to Generic -> SystemSerialNumber.

The Board Serial part gets copied to Generic -> MLB.

The SmUUID part gets copied to Generic -> SystemUUID.

The Apple ROM part gets copied to Generic -> ROM.

Ricorda che ti serve un numero di serie non valido! Quando poni il tuo seriale nella Apple's Check Coverage Pageopen in new window, dovresti ottenere il messaggio "Numero di serie non valido."

Automatic: YES

  • Generates PlatformInfo based on Generic section instead of DataHub, NVRAM, and SMBIOS sections


More in-depth Info
  • AdviseFeatures: NO

    • Used for when the EFI partition isn't first on the Windows drive
  • MaxBIOSVersion: NO

    • Sets BIOS version to Max to avoid firmware updates in Big Sur+, mainly applicable for genuine Macs.
  • ProcessorType: 0

  • SpoofVendor: YES

    • Swaps vendor field for Acidanthera, generally not safe to use Apple as a vendor in most case
  • SystemMemoryStatus: Auto

    • Sets whether memory is soldered or not in SMBIOS info, purely cosmetic and so we recommend Auto
  • UpdateDataHub: YES

    • Update Data Hub fields
  • UpdateNVRAM: YES

    • Update NVRAM fields
  • UpdateSMBIOS: YES

    • Updates SMBIOS fields
  • UpdateSMBIOSMode: Create

    • Replace the tables with newly allocated EfiReservedMemoryType, use Custom on Dell laptops requiring CustomSMBIOSGuid quirk
    • Setting to Custom with CustomSMBIOSGuid quirk enabled can also disable SMBIOS injection into "non-Apple" OSes however we do not endorse this method as it breaks Bootcamp compatibility. Use at your own risk



ConnectDrivers: YES

  • Forces .efi drivers, change to NO will automatically connect added UEFI drivers. This can make booting slightly faster, but not all drivers connect themselves. E.g. certain file system drivers may not load.


Add your .efi drivers here.

Only drivers present here should be:

  • HfsPlus.efi
  • OpenRuntime.efi
Informazioni dettagliate
PathStringPercorso del file dalla cartella OC/Drivers
LoadEarlyBooleanCarica il driver prima del setup della NVRAM, dovrebbe essere abilitato solo per OpenRuntime.efi e OpenVariableRuntimeDxe.efi se si usa NVRAM legacy
ArgumentsStringAlcuni driver possono accettare ulteriori argomenti che vanno specificati qui.


By default, OpenCore only loads APFS drivers from macOS Big Sur and newer. If you are booting macOS Catalina or earlier, you may need to set a new minimum version/date. Not setting this can result in OpenCore not finding your macOS partition!

macOS Sierra and earlier use HFS instead of APFS. You can skip this section if booting older versions of macOS.

APFS Versions

Both MinVersion and MinDate need to be set if changing the minimum version.

macOS VersionMin VersionMin Date
High Sierra (10.13.6)74807700800000020180621
Mojave (10.14.6)94527500700000020190820
Catalina (10.15.4)141210100100000020200306
No restriction-1-1


Related to AudioDxe settings, for us we'll be ignoring(leave as default). This is unrelated to audio support in macOS.


Related to boot.efi keyboard passthrough used for FileVault and Hotkey support, leave everything here as default as we have no use for these quirks. See here for more details: Security and FileVault


Relating to OpenCore's visual output, leave everything here as default as we have no use for these quirks.

Informazioni più dettagliate
UIScale00 sceglierà automaticamente in base alla risoluzione
-1 lascerà quella di default
1 per 1x scaling, per display normali
2 per 2x scaling, per display HiDPI


Mainly relevant for Virtual machines, legacy macs and FileVault users. See here for more details: Security and FileVault



Relating to quirks with the UEFI environment, for us we'll be changing the following:

UnblockFsConnectNONeeded mainly by HP motherboards
More in-depth Info
  • DisableSecurityPolicy: NO

    • Disables platform security policy in firmware, recommended for buggy firmwares where disabling Secure Boot does not allow 3rd party firmware drivers to load.
    • If running a Microsoft Surface device, recommended to enable this option
  • RequestBootVarRouting: YES

    • Redirects AptioMemoryFix from EFI_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_GUID to OC_VENDOR_VARIABLE_GUID. Needed for when firmware tries to delete boot entries and is recommended to be enabled on all systems for correct update installation, Startup Disk control panel functioning, etc.
  • UnblockFsConnect: NO

    • Some firmware block partition handles by opening them in By Driver mode, which results in File System protocols being unable to install. Mainly relevant for HP systems when no drives are listed


Used for exempting certain memory regions from OSes to use, mainly relevant for Sandy Bridge iGPUs or systems with faulty memory. Use of this quirk is not covered in this guide

AMD BIOS Settings

  • Note: Most of these options may not be present in your firmware, we recommend matching up as closely as possible but don't be too concerned if many of these options are not available in your BIOS


  • Fast Boot
  • Secure Boot
  • Serial/COM Port
  • Parallel Port
  • Compatibility Support Module (CSM) (Must be off in most cases, GPU errors/stalls like gIO are common when this option is enabled)

Special note for 3990X users: macOS currently does not support more than 64 threads in the kernel, and so will kernel panic if it sees more. The 3990X CPU has 128 threads total and so requires half of that disabled. We recommend disabling hyper threading in the BIOS for these situations.


  • Above 4G Decoding (This must be on, if you can't find the option then add npci=0x3000 to Argomenti di avvio. Do not have both this option and npci enabled at the same time.)
    • If you are on a Gigabyte/Aorus or an AsRock motherboard, enabling this option may break certain drivers(ie. Ethernet) and/or boot failures on other OSes, if it does happen then disable this option and opt for npci instead
    • 2020+ BIOS Notes: When enabling Above4G, Resizable BAR Support may become an available on some X570 and newer motherboards. Please ensure that Booter -> Quirks -> ResizeAppleGpuBars is set to 0 if this is enabled.
  • EHCI/XHCI Hand-off
  • OS type: Windows 8.1/10 UEFI Mode (some motherboards may require "Other OS" instead)
  • SATA Mode: AHCI

Una volta completato, dobbiamo sistemare ancora un paio di cose. Fai un salto alla pagina riguardo a Apple Secure Boot